By hannaholic - 03/07/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, I went on an excellent first date. After the 'end of the date kiss' came, "I suppose this is where I tell you that I'm married." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 518
You deserved it 4 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell his wife-she deserves to know her husbands a cheating creep.


At least your date told you he was married. I dated an "amazing" guy for three months before finding out he was married after I found him on facebook. (You wonder how anyone would leave that stuff public, especially if they're cheating on their wife.) I was going to write his wife a letter, but this guy's latest facebook picture is now a baby sonogram...

FreeLevi 0
chelle_starlight 0

I have a feeling that the date was not so "excellent" if he actually said that...


YDI.You shouldn't cheat.*tisk*tisk*

tchaikovsky93 0

Hahahahahahah this made me laugh :D

ariel_xx_aos 0

yeah how would you know who his wife is.. what a stupid thing to coment. but naw that sucks for you, but you can do better. there are so many dikheads in the world.. but you have to go through a few to find the right one :)

Atleast it was after the kiss on the first date and not on the couch the morning after hooking up after having been dating for 3 months