By pizzafreak18 - 21/06/2010 14:21 - United States

Today, I went into the store where my boyfriend works. I saw him talking to a customer, his back was facing me, so I went up and smacked his butt. Turns out it wasn't him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 073
You deserved it 54 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if it had been your boyfriend, why would you smack his butt while he's talking to a customer?

Stefany713 0

don't worry I bet the guy liked it 


imissmyself 0

LOL. Just be like " i'm the security guard. i was just checking if you had something dangerous in your back pockets. " Walk Away. And Problem Solved !

that's terribly unprofessional, you could get your bf fired if that was ctually him.

MustangFilly77 9

OK, your life sucks, but you really deserve it. How can you be so unfamiliar with your BF's ass as to mistake someone else's for his? You must not get that many chances to see it...

fyl1627 0

ahahahahahaaaa I did the same thing to my boyfriends dad when they were wrestling around!!

chargirl1000 0

He liked!!!! But I'm sorry and I hope the person you were dating understud

purple_madnessxD 0

C'mon... really? YDI because you don't do that kinda stuff in public, let alone while your boyfriend's talking to a customer :P

jademariie 0

hahah if I was you I would just laugh

waffenfabrik 0

Maybe a complete confirmation of the guy's identity would have saved you alot of trouble.