By arsenic660 - 30/07/2009 03:17 - United States

Today, I went into my part-time job at a drugstore. We always have one item we try and sell to every customer. For the next week I have to ask every person if they would like to try my nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 828
You deserved it 4 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellster 2

Ah, retail. The other prostitution.

effthis 0

i would like to try your nuts.....


ritzy05 1

is this good ol' walgreens?....

For #46, asking a gay guy is the same as asking a straight girl, they both like nuts. You ignorant piece of shit.

tapoutORpassout 0

this is about as good as the vince lines!

"Your gonna love my nuts" Quoted from the dude in the shamwow and quick chop commercial.

That is an EXCELLENT sales tactic, by the way. There's a guy that sells candied, salted, whatever style he does walnuts, pecans, almonds, and cashews at the Renaissance Faire. He hands out samples, asking random passersby if they would "Like to taste the King's nuts?" I've never seen someone refuse. ^_^

Of course its ridiculous, but it grabs peoples attention. "Would you like to liven up your life with a free sample of my salty nuts?" is much more eye-grabbing than "Would you try our new peanuts/walnuts/whatever?".

all this talk about nuts is making me hungry

Stick with that job until the holidays. Hopefully, you'll be hawking Schwedde Balls then.

#51, babiedill, I'm not ignorant, you are just illiterate. I was just saying that if the OP is a straight guy and he has to sell his nuts to a gay guy, he's likely to get some uncomfortable moments. Read carefully, jackass.