By arsenic660 - 30/07/2009 03:17 - United States

Today, I went into my part-time job at a drugstore. We always have one item we try and sell to every customer. For the next week I have to ask every person if they would like to try my nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 828
You deserved it 4 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellster 2

Ah, retail. The other prostitution.

effthis 0

i would like to try your nuts.....


You don't have to ask them to try YOUR nuts. You can say "Would you like to try some nuts?" ..

say everybody have you seen my balls they're big salty and brown. if you ever need a quick pick me up just put my balls in your mouth.

The second i read "my nuts" i started laughing histericly the second my mom walked in

You could word it differently. Say would you like to try some of these nuts that we have.

NickH182 4

You should've been like, "Yeah we just got this big shipment in today." "Oh yeah? Of what?" "DEEZ NUTS! HA GOT EEM!"