By Noname - 06/03/2009 21:24 - United States

Today, I went for a job interview on my birthday. I had on a shirt and a tie on and I had my Blackberry in my pocket. I was running a little late, so I dashed outside. When I came out of the door, a bunch of my buddies screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and poured Gatorade all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 793
You deserved it 3 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if you were applying for a job at a Gatorade factory, this wouldn't have been so bad.

ummmyeahhh 0

good luck with the interview... and happy birthday? don't kill your friends, they meant the best for you.


#9--You're a tool. the end :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you used the story as a good ice

you7 0

you have some dumbass friends

alex_vik 0

#12 - I was saying that I don't wear cheap $5 dress shirts that I wouldn't care about. Also #24 - You've been reported :)

i agree with #10. Did your friends just wait there for a while hoping you would come out sometime?

MelancholyArtist 0

Alex_vik: you reported #24 for saying you're a tool???? you're not a tool. you're a pansy. LOL.

themanistheman 0

you'll never forget that one man.

know_your_role 0

it's okay, you were running late and shouldn't get the job anyways. since you have no job, maybe you should cut unnecessary expenses. like your blackberry.

musu_fml 0

I keep seeing these stories about so-called "friends" pulling these kinds of pranks. Who are all these people? Nobody I've ever known acts like this.


YOU JUST WON THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!! Where are you going to go next!? ... I'm going to Disneyland!

KFabery 0

This is why I don't tell people when my birthday is. Friends are awful.