By Noname - 06/03/2009 21:24 - United States

Today, I went for a job interview on my birthday. I had on a shirt and a tie on and I had my Blackberry in my pocket. I was running a little late, so I dashed outside. When I came out of the door, a bunch of my buddies screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and poured Gatorade all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 793
You deserved it 3 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if you were applying for a job at a Gatorade factory, this wouldn't have been so bad.

ummmyeahhh 0

good luck with the interview... and happy birthday? don't kill your friends, they meant the best for you.


UnknownSadSack 0

I'm with friends have never done shit like this ever, nothing even close to it.

If you live in America, you should sue your friends for the lifelong salary they just cost you - you'll win

Just cause he was going to an interview doesn't mean he's jobless. Maybe he's looking for a new one. anyway, yeah, that's just bad timing, really. haha they were just trying to have some fun. it sucks the interview was on your birthday, though. hope you got the job regardless!

alex_vik 0

#28 - My comments have been removed for saying even the slightest thing negative towards someone else, so if that's how they run things here, then they should do it for everyone or not do it at all.

At least your phone didn't get ruined?

Ouch, hope you didn't lose too much money, or a phone. That could be quite expensive, especially now that you're unemployed.

That's really fun of them! I mean, you just go back in and change. chilllll out.

Raven_fml 0

#42; You're an idiot, potentially ruining your chances of getting a job is not "fun". And considering that this was GATORADE the OP probably had to take a shower, not just change their clothes. Or do you frequently leave your house sticky and covered in juice?