By Noname - 06/03/2009 21:24 - United States

Today, I went for a job interview on my birthday. I had on a shirt and a tie on and I had my Blackberry in my pocket. I was running a little late, so I dashed outside. When I came out of the door, a bunch of my buddies screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and poured Gatorade all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 793
You deserved it 3 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if you were applying for a job at a Gatorade factory, this wouldn't have been so bad.

ummmyeahhh 0

good luck with the interview... and happy birthday? don't kill your friends, they meant the best for you.


At Least They Didn't Forget Your Birthday ? :D


YDI for not telling them you had an important interview.

sux4u_10 0

dude i read this in the book F My Life

21loveyoulots21 0
watermelon1 35

They didn't know and if you don't get the job at least you have some awesome friends?