By Anonymous - 11/03/2012 23:19 - United States

Today, I watched Gigli. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 314
You deserved it 29 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLandurstoo 9

What the **** is gigli? And yes I'm too lazy to use google. I'm on my apple product


Wtf is gigli? If ur gunna post at least post something everybody understands

CateXOX 0

OP most likely wasn't aware that morons like you wouldn't bother to look it up before commenting. Next time I'm sure they'll check with your personal advisor that the FML is okay with you.

KiddNYC1O 20

The only thing I saw was the preview and I felt really embarrassed just watching it.

Cause you and 11 are both 12 year old boys stealing pics of the same girl? You sick virgins.

BrysGirl27 14

Congrats on having the shortest FML on here!! Bravo!!....WTF is Gigli??

Gigli (pronounced jee-lee) is a HORRIFIC movie staring Ben(gigli) and J-Lo(Rikki) Ben being an absolutely inept hitman who kidnaps a retard and mizz lopez playing a "lesbian assasin" (we'll assume she assasinates lesbians since her and ben hook up) with an atrocious lisp that will haunt your dreams for weeks for those unfortunate enough to have to watch this movie(thankfull I have been spared the horror but know plenty of people who weren't) WHY anyone would willingly watch this is unfathomable I'm going to pretend you didn't watch this intentionaly just so I can sleep tonight

This FML is so short, it was hard to click D:

YDI. You were warned. Now go watch some Ed Wood while your in the mood.

perdix 29

I believe it's a record for shortest FML. The previous record was held by "Michael Jackson died."