By foreveralone - 13/11/2012 10:23 - Australia - Wollongong

Today, I was working at the checkout of a nearly empty store, so I picked up an empty box, closed my eyes, and slow-danced with it to the 80s love ballad playing on the radio. I don't know what's worse, dancing with a box, or opening my eyes to see ten or so wary customers waiting to be served. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 883
You deserved it 34 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, the things we do when we think no one is watching.

Not sure why you would do that if there was still a chance people would still be shopping in the store.


Ah, the things we do when we think no one is watching.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

I'm just wondering why OP felt the need to close her eyes...

honeybadgerr 9

Op kind of gave a new meaning to "dance like Nobody is watching"

Inheritance 10

#foreveralone Could've been worse, could've been a bag of fruit or vegetables.

Whaaaaaat734 6

i don't have twitter sooooooo #hashtag....sure, lets go with that.

Karalela44 15
cookie_3008 4

Could have been worse... At least you weren't "making out" with the box while you danced...?? Or were you? /=S

Not sure why you would do that if there was still a chance people would still be shopping in the store.

LiyIa_fml 8

Why not? OP had to entertain themselves by doing something.

You haven't worked in retail, have you?

There's been a few times that I've done an Irish jig while I thought nobody was in the store.

damn_homie 2

But closing your eyes though? Lol shouldn't have done that.

LiyIa_fml 8

Hopefully you were at least a good dancer.

That must've been pretty embarrassing! Woah, FYL indeed.

4 Pretty embarrassing? I'm gonna say that it was extremely embarrassing, yet hilarious at the same time. I'm wondering though, did you think he was your date? Possibly dance partner? Lol

ks23 9

As long as you didn't know the customers dancing with the box is worse. And how long we're you dancing to allow ten customers to line up?

RedPillSucks 31

Was this a guns and ammo store?

No, it was at a Walmart; she was dancing to "Is This Love" with an empty condoms box.

cptmorgan6 8

A near-empty Walmart?! Blasphemy! Show me this Walmart you speak of.

peachesncreem 21

Sorry fellas, no Walmarts here in Aus :)

75- it's only a matter of time until they spread...

trellz17 19

This is kinda funny actually. Just hope no one took a picture and posted it on Instagram or something.

i certainly hope someone took a picture. this more of a hehe moment than a meme moment

nosybear13 7

Lol sorry op fyl but maybe it's time to start dating again...