By junior - 11/04/2010 08:11 - United States

Today, I was with my girlfriend, thinking we were alone in the house. Her little brother found us having sex on the couch, took a pic and said, "You are now both my slaves." He ran upstairs and locked his bedroom door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 274
You deserved it 46 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And what a smart little brother she has!! lol Blackmail is fun.

YDI, as you didn't check all around the house. Now, the kid is going to start a **** website, with your picture on the first page. Good Job!!! THREADJACKERS WELCOME


endurancefan212 21

YDI for having sex where anyone can walk in on you and catch you. Have some respect and take it to the bedroom, noone wants to see you having sex!

That's totally something I would do to my sister...

WickedFan 12

Be his slaves. Then, the moment his back is turned... Kill him. Easy

hey he found blackmail fodder good for him

dude, you are SO screwed.... no pun intended.

Kid's already got a good start at being a career politician. Good for him!

backfire10z 14

Just smash on his door, or wait for the little shit to come out (he eventually has to) and then just take his phone and delete the photo. Either that or he's older then both of you, in which case you guys better team up or you are screwed