By spiderhater - 12/04/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, I was with my girlfriend in her room. She starts screaming. Her father bursts in and, thinking I'm some kind of rapist, hits me in the head with a baseball bat. Not bad enough? I wasn't the one making her scream. There was a huge spider on the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 106 783
You deserved it 5 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aera_fml 0

Argh. I hate spiders SO much. I usually am the one people go to, though. Anyways, her father obviously doesn't trust you much. Poor you. ~_~


I think #38 has got it right and #71 you're a tool...

@31: It's quite possible that the OP isn't too fond of spiders either (consider his name, "spiderhater") and thus he exaggerated the size. Also, #70 wins.

i'd sue his ass off or at least file charges. in these economic times there is no shame in doing anything to get money besides.... yea i have to be "respecful" so i won't say that. but yea thats bs. and who can get their hands on a bat that quickly thats kinda creepy

poison29 0

Jesus, it's a freakin' spider.

Absolute shenanigans. A grown man coming at you with a baseball bat and you don't think to either move away or explain? I think not.

ThisIsWhyImScott 0

Wow that's really shitty! HOpefully you can have a chat with daddio and gf! to those screaming "blue murder" and "sue his ass!" .... obviously he was just trying to protect his daughter, and obviously a dumb move to swing right away, but we werent there, we dont know the circumstances! Why must it always turn to "sue the pants off 'em"? The world still turned before people sued for slipping on their neighbour's front steps and too hot coffee from McD's.... ...americans.