By bossgroper - 23/07/2009 20:23 - United States

Today, I was walking through a heavy door at work, so I reached behind me to catch it so it wouldn't slam shut. Little did I know that my boss was walking through right after me. Instead of catching the door, I caught a handful of his crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 926
You deserved it 5 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would have been cool if you said ""Who's your boss now" LOL

hecuva 0

and then you sqweezed right? led into a hot steamy scene that ended up with you getting the promotion :) Gotta find ways to get "ahead" in these bad times ;)


Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago... LMFAO

well i guess there couldve been steps going down and she couldve been so used to stopping at that level have there being no steps :P

amaneylandx3 0

I don't even have a witty comment to say. this is priceless. lovethenamee'n

I'm a 6'0 chick and this happens ALL the time. I accidently did it to my boyfriend once just talking. He didn't find it as funny as me.

If it lead to a big sex scene. You would definitely get a promotion

jason0 2

go to

lMfA0_fml 0

whoa thats hawwt ;D i wonder what he said once u did it lol

HAHAAA!! that totally just made my day!!! best fml ever.