By larsn - 03/06/2016 20:32 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I regret calling my hardass boss a cocksucking bastard when I quit a few months back. My new job just laid me off, and I could desperately use a good reference from the aforementioned cocksucking bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 891
You deserved it 20 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As anybody with a lick of sense knows, you don't ever do that to a former boss, no matter how ******* terrible they were. It's a little something called professionalism. Learn it

So you go back to him, get on your knees, and offer to return the favor. Is it basically pimping yourself out? Yes. But a man's got to do what a man's got to do to get a good reference.


MikaykayUnicorn 36

More like "Being a ******* idiot never makes your life easier." Not necessarily karma, just the consequences of OP's idiotic actions.

I'm just hazarding a guess here that OP is a rather hostile employee...

So you go back to him, get on your knees, and offer to return the favor. Is it basically pimping yourself out? Yes. But a man's got to do what a man's got to do to get a good reference.

PePziNL 20

#14: not that kind of 'get on your knees'.

#47 He says "is it basically pimping yourself out? Yes." That suggests giving the boss a suck

This might only work for women but when I did something similar I kind of just went to my old boss and said, "I regret calling you a cocksucking bastard and I could desperately use a good reference from you." Worked well enough.

As anybody with a lick of sense knows, you don't ever do that to a former boss, no matter how ******* terrible they were. It's a little something called professionalism. Learn it

Exactly. You can think things like that, but you never say it. Smile, be friendly, and rejoice in the knowledge that you are the bigger person.

sometimes people have to learn the hard way. I'm sure the op is young and will grow from this experience.

it has nothing to do with professionalism. it is about self-interest; which is fine. You have so much to say but none of it valid. Useless.

possibly BUT if he was a real cocksucker to OP then sometimes "professionalism" means telling them to get fisted. There's also something called respect so since I've met more then one asshole who's abuse of power warranted afore mentioned insult then maybe its deserved to be called out on their shit?

There's no gain in doing things like that only potential regret...

not even going to sugar coat it, you definitely did this to yourself

Write one you're self and give a buddy's phone number instead

No reference is better than being caught in a lie about a bad one.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20
Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20
Mathalamus 24

You deserved it, for being an immature child.

It's one of those things, if it feels good to say it you probably shouldn't.

I understand why people are overwhelmingly against OP. What he did was immature. However immaturity isn't always horrible. I had a horrible boss once, and I was glad to finally be able to flip him the bird after I got a new job. Fortunately for me though, I've not had reason to go back to him for any sought of help yet. And I always remember his face after I told him off with so much satisfaction. It might be immature, but definitely satisfying. Too bad it didn't quite work out for OP though.

I've had some horrible bosses. always be professional even on your last day. a. it shows you're the bigger person. B. you don't look like an idiot. I don't see the point of being immature. you got a new job. walk out and be done with the former place. you gain nothing by looking like and being an asshole.

Congratulations on completely missing the point.

I stopped reading after you said that being immature isn't always a bad thing.

You might be surprised how often the "6 degrees of separation" thing puts people together who have nothing on common but having had worked with you. Then they compare notes...