Let me down gently

By Abbyyyy - 20/11/2023 00:00

Today, I was in the park making out with a guy I’m seeing when I heard a familiar voice say, “Abby?” It was the guy who was trying to get with me for months but I told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship, rather than tell him that he was too ugly for me. If looks could kill… FML
I agree, your life sucks 173
You deserved it 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyufd 24

why couldn't you just have been honest?

You don't need to tell him you are ugly. You can just tell him you are not interested. or something vague as you are not my type. Lying is not a good option


Boyufd 24

why couldn't you just have been honest?

Women outnumber men in almost every country on this planet. Think about that as you play games with those who show an interest in you. Honesty is the best policy. Especially considering that there aren't enough guys to go around.

He must understand that you can't just switch on your attraction for him at will. If you're not into him then you're not into him. It's that simple. Kudos to you for trying to be gentle on him. We are all just trying our best.

"Sorry, I'm not interested" is better than the whole, "Oh I'm not ready but maybe if you wait a little tee-hee" garbage. This wasn't her being "gentle" on him, this was being an asshole.

You don't need to tell him you are ugly. You can just tell him you are not interested. or something vague as you are not my type. Lying is not a good option

"If looks could kill you would be an uzi. You're a shotgun *bang!* wassup with that thang? I wanna know, how does it hang?" - Jeff Fischer and Stan Smith. Sorry, what were we talking about?

Lolamae 9

is he a stalker? He could see you were busy, he should have kept on walking.