By kikinemo - 16/01/2010 21:05 - United States

Today, I was telling my cousin about my boyfriend, who plays guitar and sings very well, has dark hair, and wears girl pants. After telling her these things, she's quiet for a moment before she looks at me and says, "So... You're dating a Jonas brother?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 955
You deserved it 43 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments


thatsoviciouS 0

Oh man I redd all the comments and you don't realize you guys repeat what the person in front of you said. I don't like the Jones Brothers I am more a coffee shop teen. but I do want to say there is a difference between 'girl pants' and 'skinny pants' blah blah blah I don't think this is an FML but it does stink.

NaturalSelection_fml 0

This is what the website, is for. Your life is not ****** because your cousin thinks that your boyfriend, (who you will probably break up with an a week tops), looks like a celebrity. Get over it and next time you want to post something on this site, remember the name of this site. It's **** my life, not

xXPaigerzXx 0

:D that sounds like my dream guy

anela_fml 0

I'd marry a joans brother especially after the weddings they throw heck yea

only problem is that the Jonas brothers don't sing or play guitar well. as far as the girl pants go, they are far cheaper and much more comfortable than men's skinnies. not to mention they are usually tighter.

The fact that he wears them is just an indication of the size of his weiner........not big. Not all things in small packages are good.

spank_my_toaster 0

Sounds like you're dating christofer drew o_o