By snickerdoodles - 08/01/2010 06:30 - France

Today, I was sparring with a guy in my Tae Kwon Do class. He had a hard-on the entire time we were sparring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 423
You deserved it 3 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flyinmysoup 0

might have been more of an fml for him. i bet he was embarrassed


tiger1234 0

You always wear a cup in tea kwon do

Are you sure it was hand-to-hand and not sword fighting? Hahaha

barneystinson555 12

I do TaeKwonDo too what school do you go to?

Flexi_fml 4

I take Hapkido classes, and I've experienced grappling with a guy who has a boner.

For Chuck Norris' orange juice, he squeezes Florida for his orange juice.

That's disgusting make sure it hurts him more then anything for the hope of female Tae Kwon Do artist everywhere

Anyone noticed the fmls username? It's priceless!!