By Wade - 30/05/2009 00:43 - United States

Today, I was sitting under a tree at a park. The dirt felt a little damp, so I assumed it was dew from the night. A homeless man walks over and asks me to move, then starts to pee under the tree, followed by another man. I was sitting in their bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 936
You deserved it 4 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gross. Hopefully you went straight home after- I'd hate to have people thinking that I peed on myself... or didn't clean myself on a daily basis, etc.

uuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhh how could you not smell it?????????????? shit son


SmoothTalker 0

all of these hobo FMLS might necessitate an entirely new category

k.. first off all.... How could you NOT smell the piss????

laspace 0

Hey guys, I wrote this one before I got an account. Here are my responses to your comments! #36 Yep #35 Agreed #34 It's basically water, so it isn't that bad #33 Good :P #29 Because it was in a convienent location, away from everyone. A lot of homeless people are quite polite, you wouldn't want them peeing everywhere. #27 How do you check if it is urine, not dew? #23 I went home, washed the pants and took a shower #16 I didn't smell it.. #2,3 thanks :)

#34 it is dumbass, the tree filters the ****** water, I'm 11 next month and even I know that....that's just sad

lisafannypack 0

#40: so you're a ten-year old, on this site, and using that kind of language? now that is sad ugh, kids these days...

vag_fml 0

and you couldn't smell urine underneath you why?

Today, just like every other day, I had to pee on the ground at a park because I'm homeless. FML

at least you werent laying your head down

#40 your comment sounded exactly like that of a 10 year olds’, there was no need to tell us your age. I’m curious to why you would be on this site in the first place. You’ve barely started living life, what fmls could you possibly be relating to. Btw if any of these homeless people had any type of irregular bladder or infections, their strong acidic piss would be hazardous to the tree as it would any other plant, but I’m guessing you already “******” knew that.