By Lala - 10/09/2009 13:40 - Philippines

Today, I was sitting in my garden and having a cup of tea while watching some dragonflies. I thought the dragonflies were really pretty, so I ran towards them and tried to catch their tails like I used to when I was a kid. They were exotic wasps. Ouch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 344
You deserved it 50 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch... but if its your house how do you not know what kind of bugs there are?


justdancebbyx3 7

yay this is my first comment! i want to thank everyone who helped me get this far and thank you all for reading this, my very very first comment on FML!! thank every single one of you!! what an honor! cookies for everyone!!!

J3553ROCKS 0

Yay, Woohoo! Tell someone who cares

lexilovesyou 0

#45 there's a difference, most MLIAers aren't And besides, they have a thing against FML. The only similarity I see is the name 'NinjaHarryPotter', - otherwise, I have yet to see a MLIAer who acts like that. They're usually a nice, witty bunch in a way that's different from FML's witty bunch. Maybe its the nice.

the funny thing is that he is proud of his comment... but that's what the comment is, about his comment with no comment in it. it's a waste of space lol XD

blkwhtrbbt 0

yeh, you'll find that most people who use this site are real assholes. don't worry, you'll get used to it.

DenBriZel 31

29- want a gold sticker? No one cares. Don't act like we should be so blessed to be graced with you small annoying presence.

Ouch... but if its your house how do you not know what kind of bugs there are?

and she said she used to do it as a kid. sounds like she forgot how to tell the difference between the dragonflies and wasps.

jhon316 0

they probably just showed up like a random nest just spears an you don't know you dumb ass

Dragonfly's are carnivorous. :D Damn, I missed first by a few seconds of pissing. >.

Every FML has to start with "Today." This could have happened a while ago.

justmyluck1212 0

lol my mum used to do that as a kid

hockeyfml555 0

just cause she was stung doesnt mean she cant type moron