By popemichael - 19/06/2009 22:48 - United States

Today, I was showing my unique new tattoo to my friends when a man approaches me with his digital camera and asks if he could take a picture of the tattoo for his website. I agreed. I find out later that it's a site about ugly tattoos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 049
You deserved it 44 687

Same thing different taste


happygoluckyhh 0

I guess all that matters is that you like it cause it's on your body, different strokes and all that...

GatorBites 0

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder or in your case the skin. Screw the opinions of other people. After all, who did you get it for, you or them?

irrelevantxx 0

YDI, dumbass. Tattos are ******* gross and unnecessary. Just remember: you're gonna have that for the rest of your life now.

GatorBites 0

That sucks. But if you like your tattoo then dude can go to hell.

HummingBirdsFly 0

No, I heard that she fell asleep while getting that tattoo and when she woke up the tattoo artist did much more than she wanted him to. But I'm not sure. :/