By popemichael - 19/06/2009 22:48 - United States

Today, I was showing my unique new tattoo to my friends when a man approaches me with his digital camera and asks if he could take a picture of the tattoo for his website. I agreed. I find out later that it's a site about ugly tattoos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 049
You deserved it 44 687

Same thing different taste

Comments this could be it...i saw this a couple days ago

Gaby_peaceandluv 0

hey are you the guy from failblog ? haha

Relax, you need to not care what others think about it, it's yours, no one elses! :) Also, most of these comments are STUPID!

shirvon100 0

I dont see how this is her/his fault she/he obviously understood that it was a website about tattoos however she wasnt infromed it was about ugly tattoos so FYL.

teebonehead 0

whats the url of site I love to see tramp stamps............Y D I

i saw that! i think she asked for it and is now regretting it so shes trying to sue.

Lifeshardfml 0

damm wats the name of the website

why do people have such a perverse hatred of tattoos?!? did a tattoo artist once try to molest you w/his needle or something?

seb12992 0

YDI for getting the tattoo in the first place. Way to "express your individuality"