By janie - 30/01/2009 23:17 - United States

Today, I was sexiled. So that my roommate and the boy who I confessed my love to two days before could hook up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 666
You deserved it 2 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alwaysalady 0

Who's primary on the lease? If it's you, kick her OUT

gloooooria 14

Oh well :/ Is all you have to say? You might as well have not said anything.


alwaysalady 0

Who's primary on the lease? If it's you, kick her OUT

Guy, and Roommate = arseholes. Better off without them

I'm guessing OP isn't close with her roommate considering she would have mentioned that in her FML. Which means that OP might not have told her roommate about her confession. Even if OP did tell her, she's not required to abstain from having sex with him if her roommate and OP are not friends. And I'm also just assuming that this "boy" isn't her boyfriend or anything of the sort, or OP probably would have mentioned that. And again, the boy is not required to not have sex because of a girl he's most likely not very close with told him she loves him. So really, the roommate and the boy aren't "arseholes". OP just got really unlucky. No one's fault unless the roommate is a friend or the boy is a significant other. So FYL indeed.

Mannerheim 0

That's so ******. I think I'd just beat them both with my police baton.

This happened to me, but im the girl who hooked up with the guy and also we've been dating for a month and i just found out that she liked him. Oh well :/

gloooooria 14

Oh well :/ Is all you have to say? You might as well have not said anything.

sexiled? love the word but that sucks i wouldn't leave, doubt they'd do it with u there and if they do anyways least u get a show i guess?

You totally deserve it for not having the common sense to find out what the guy was like before telling him you love him.

When somebody "exiles" you from a place so they can have sex with someone in privacy.