By AOart1st - 21/11/2014 03:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was rock climbing. I had my equipment on and I saw a really cute girl. I went for the hardest climb in the gym, and while jumping up to grab the rock, I simultaneously farted, missed the rock, fell to the mat and broke my arm in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 210
You deserved it 17 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hasn't FML taught you not to try dumb stuff to impress girls?

There are many important life lessons to be learned on FML. Going out of your way to impress someone will likely end in disaster.


Hasn't FML taught you not to try dumb stuff to impress girls?

We don't let FML teach us things, otherwise we'd never be able to entertain each other.

Yes OP, next time just grow a pair and talk to her. That alone will impress her more than you climbing.

Spin in: Tell her you fell for her. (Literally and figuratively...)

JMichael 25

You mean we're supposed to learn from these things??

Haven't you been on the Internet lately, #13? Tumblr says talking to women in public is sexual harassment.

The fart was the cherry on top of a bad decision sundae.

WallyQ 18

Either you weren't wearing a harness (YDI), or your belayer was bad... (FYL)

Varieus 30

I mean... it says "I had my equipment on" that would make me think he had the harness on.

#6: On the other hand, falling to the floor and breaking your arm suggests otherwise...

#2,#31, the way I imagine this is that he had his harness on and he jumped from the floor to try to start higher, missed and then landed funny on his arm causing the break. Can't blame a belayer for someone basically falling from the ground and breaking an arm.

AnOriginalName 19

A lot of climbing gyms will allow what's called "bouldering." Either there is a dedicated area with short features, or there's a limit as to how high climbers can go on the main walls, but a harness/belay isn't required when bouldering. (A harness is still helpful if you have a chalk bag that you want with you.) In the bouldering-specific areas there isn't even a place to affix belaying equipment. But even a padded floor will break bones if you land awkwardly.

I don't know how people can rock climb. I would literally crap my pants if I did that.

AOart1st 9

I was wearing a harness but I was bouldering. that's the thing-no balayer

At least with the increasing severity of events, I doubt anyone remembered / heard your fart, OP!

There are many important life lessons to be learned on FML. Going out of your way to impress someone will likely end in disaster.

Murilirum 23

Unfortunate for sure ! Sorry to hear OP. Best of luck with the healing process.

tony1891 22

i hate to break it to you. but you failed.

Really don't consider a fake gym rock wall, rock climbing. YDI just for that alone

AnOriginalName 19

10, you should go to a dedicated climbing gym. If you can still move your fingers after an hour, come back here and let us know how it was.

PSYqualiac 17

Some gyms are harder than most mountains.

Real rocks are definitely more realistic and useful and actually easier. I swear they make those gyms so difficult. It's next to impossible to hold onto those hand holds and sometimes you actually have to pull yourself with your arms which you shouldn't have to do. Real rocks are way better and they don't wobble.

Great dedication! Graceful like a swan.