By poorgirl - 17/05/2016 13:03 - United States

Today, I was reminded what poverty is like when I had to choose between buying food and buying pads. Now, I have to take constant bathroom breaks and wipe off my pad. I don't get paid until after my period ends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 323
You deserved it 1 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Invest in a menstrual cup. The cups are reusable and pay for themselves over just a few months.

You could always use toilet tissue as a pad or a cloth. Not the best option, but better than not eating


There are other things around you may be able to use instead of or at least on top of your pad. Toilet Paper Paper Towel Napkins Newspaper Cloths Socks Underwear from the day before (Blood does not stain fabric if you scrub well with soap under cold water. Scrub until the blood is gone.) Cleaning rags Before pads women used only cloths for pads, and some Eco-friendly women use cloths, socks, or period cups. Try adding something like that. If all else fails, ask a friend to borrow one or two. I'd give you some if I could. I've been there. Almost anything can help. I hope you have a great day. They have cheap ones at the dollar store if you have one. I hope you are okay.

Manual_Manoosy 21
shannon.elizabeth 13

dollor stores & similar places do sell feminine hygiene products. if you legitimately have zero money ask people who go by if they can just spare a dollar. or walk around until you find 25 cents. I'm sure you can get the change from people after they purchase in the store, explaining to another female would absolutely get you what you need. people out there are compassionate if you try hard enough