By poorgirl - 17/05/2016 13:03 - United States

Today, I was reminded what poverty is like when I had to choose between buying food and buying pads. Now, I have to take constant bathroom breaks and wipe off my pad. I don't get paid until after my period ends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 323
You deserved it 1 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Invest in a menstrual cup. The cups are reusable and pay for themselves over just a few months.

You could always use toilet tissue as a pad or a cloth. Not the best option, but better than not eating


When I was homeless a lot of women from the shelters would use toilet paper stuffed into a sock. Works good if you don't have any other option.

Get a part time job at a swanky restaurant or country club. Not only will you have more money, but they always seem to have baskets of supplies laying out for use in their bathrooms. Or, you could go really old-school and use rags.

Korra_fml 23

every so often brands do free samples. for example, on the kotex website, when they're doing samples, theres a page where you can enter your mailing address and they will send you one or two pads/tampons as a sample. not exactly gonna get you through the whole week and not gonna help you right this second, but sign up for samples from feminine product companies as often as you can and when they come in the mail set them aside. that way next time you cant afford to buy a box, at least you can have a few spares.

The dollar store carries those. They're not the best but it's better than reusing the one you have.

No way, I would forgo food for 7 days as long as I could be comfortable with a clean pad.

reusable menstrual pads help with this, one time cost lasts for years. Contact me at [email protected], and I could make you some budget ones.

Can you stop at an ER/clinic or doctors office near you? If you tell them the situation, they would give you some of their pads they keep for patients.

Can't you ask another woman employee for a spare?

Just do what a **** star does and stick a make up sponge up there. Boom, washable and reusable feminine use sponge. Just don't use it for make up after.. And don't forget to take it out.

It's effed up how you're forced to choose between food and hygene