By screwed - 04/01/2010 05:29 - United States

Today, I was rejected for an internship due to 'lack of experience.' I have both an MA and a BA from a highly prestigious school and years of work experience. My would-be superior: a 24 year old without a graduate degree and only one year of work experience. She wore jeans to the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 390
You deserved it 3 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not telling us the whole story, are you? I'm guessing her year of experience was in the proper field and yours weren't.

Reality_bites 14

I agree with both number 7 and 10. OP, What makes you so special that you think your better than your would be supervisor? Ever considered that maybe SHE applied and completed or currently completing the same internship that you just got rejected from, which would therefore entitle her to hold her current position? And so what if she wore jeans to the interview. Companies can have a casual dress day every week policy you know. If you already think that little of your would be supervisor, why the hell would she want you on her team, seeing as you've pretty much decided that you know more than here and as a result will disrespect her leadership at every turn. Not good for the team dynamics..


You're not telling us the whole story, are you? I'm guessing her year of experience was in the proper field and yours weren't.

blland 0

she probably did tell us everything, being in arts and all... this fml smells of pride.

Also, how the hell does she know what kind of work experience her "would-be superior" had? The OP just sounds snotty!

that, and a big dose of payback time!

They probably didn't like your whining ass.

badbe 0

she wore jeans to an interview, therefore her backgrounds must be limited. I like your reasoning.

Also he doesn't have a 'graduate' degree. would be willing to bet that she does have an 'undergraduate' degree.

XHereNumberThere 0

Exactly! She didn't tell us that the other lady gave good heads!

I don't mean to judge, but the way OP states her credentials and "prestigious school" makes her sound sorta pretentious

geoforce 6

thats true, MBA are probably the most sought after interns.

she was better looking with a bigger rack you fail ha ha

It doesn't say the gender of whoever got the position. As for your would-be superior, OP, she's allowed to wear jeans if she wants to. She doesn't need to impress the people she's interviewing.

The interviewer wore jeans. The competitors are not even mentioned in this FML.

janise 2

No, the interviewer didn't wear jeans. The OP was referring to either the person who got the internship or someone else who interviewed. Why would the OP say "She wore jeans to the interview" when referring to the interviewer? She'd say something like "the interviewer wore jeans" if she was referring to the interviewer.

The interviewer was about to become her boss, her "would-be superior". The OP would have said the successful applicant or superior candidate if she meant another job seeker. I assume the details about degrees and experience came up in the interview. How would she know the other applicants' qualifications?

You will get your karmic luck, soon enough, and the kid that they were stupid enough to put up on a pedestal that high will soon fall and break their head. Hope be with you, victim of idiocy.

XHereNumberThere 0

Oh, so preparing for the future is wrong all of sudden? I must adapt and fail all my classes.

Don't worry too much. Any company who puts such an unqualified individual so high in management is going to hell in a handbasket anyway. There are smarter companies. FYL.

That was exactly what I was about to say.

OP only said the would be supervisor didn't have a graduate degree. That implies they at least have a degree. Plus, they're supervising an intern, that doesn't require a great deal of experience.

ironwolf56 5

That's a big assumption....I've met some extremely intelligent and qualified people that are in their mid 20s and like to wear jeans. I've met way too many dumb people in suits too, I wonder when corporate culture will stop this "dress for success" nonsense. I work far more efficiently if I'm comfortable (button-up shirt with no tie, casual slacks).

Sorry to hear that. It sucks, I know how it feels when you know you're capable of the job and get rejected by people who probably need help writing simple word documents. Survival of the fittest and all that... its tough out there in the real world.

Jesta05 0

She probably just appeared more apropriate for the job bcos she fitted more what they needed. if a hot new employee with a rack the size of boulders is what they need in their sex deprived live then... that's probably not for u.

I've got to agree with number 7. You don't seem to have the best attitude either, just based upon your FML. Maybe some of that entitlement came across in the interview?

Oh no, she wore jeans to the interview. Shock. Horror.

Reality_bites 14

I agree with both number 7 and 10. OP, What makes you so special that you think your better than your would be supervisor? Ever considered that maybe SHE applied and completed or currently completing the same internship that you just got rejected from, which would therefore entitle her to hold her current position? And so what if she wore jeans to the interview. Companies can have a casual dress day every week policy you know. If you already think that little of your would be supervisor, why the hell would she want you on her team, seeing as you've pretty much decided that you know more than here and as a result will disrespect her leadership at every turn. Not good for the team dynamics..