By JTBastry - 30/04/2018 19:00

Today, after graduating from culinary school, I was turned down by Chipotle, Jersey Mike's, and McDonald's entry-level jobs because I didn't have enough experience. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 127
You deserved it 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe aim higher, somewhere where culinary training is actually worth more than cheap labor?

You’re lying. I know for a fact that at least Chipotle hires people with zero experience. The real reason they didn’t hire you is they saw you went to culinary school and thought you were applying as a sick prank.


Well, you could always make pizza instead.

Maybe aim higher, somewhere where culinary training is actually worth more than cheap labor?

Sad reality of the culinary world most places including fancy restaurants pay like its cheap labor.

You’re lying. I know for a fact that at least Chipotle hires people with zero experience. The real reason they didn’t hire you is they saw you went to culinary school and thought you were applying as a sick prank.

‘You’re lying’? No conclusion jumps on FML

No he is not lying this happens a lot. After I graduated culinary arts I applied at chipotle, Taco Bell and mc Donald’s when I moved back home. All told me the exact same thing that op was told. The Taco Bell here wouldn’t even consider you unless you have a bachelors degree. Different regions have different requirements to be hired. Especially if your in an area that has very little job openings and a lot of people fighting for jobs.

WeirdUS 29

A lot of places around here want min. 2 years customer service in food if not specifically fast food. Things have changed considerably. What was thought to be jobs anyone could get are now requiring previous experience.

isbtif8402 10

And McDonalds literally hires teenagers with absolutely no experience. OP didn’t get hired because they are overqualified and would not be happy in the job because it is not what they went to school for.

I saw an ad the other day outside of McDonald's that side "committed to being America's best first job". Sue for false advertising and use the money to start your own business. But seriously though, cast your net wider and keep applying. Just because this McDonald's rejected you doesn't mean the one down the street will. Even apply to upscale restaurants that you don't think will ever take you. The worst they can do is say no.

julfunky 29

McDonalds doesn’t require previous experience for entry-level positions. They ARE many people’s first jobs. Someone lied to you.

the OP IS LYING not people lying to the OP

Did you remember to update your resume? Also, some entry level jobs won't hire people due to excess experience or education.

Zekfen 17

I guess you just didn’t make the cut. Sorry, had to be said.

BS!! They did not hire you because "you don't have enough experience" as you state. They did not hire you because YOU ARE EXTREMELY OVER QUALIFIED TO WORK THERE! I know this because I too am a graduate of Culinary School and every time I apply for fast food job I am always told "you are to qualified for this position. you would be more suited for Management or a Chef job at high quality restaurant

Never heard of a high end restaurant hiring a new culinary grad as a chef more like a line cook.

Why would you want to work at any of those places? You didn't go to culinary school to work at a lousy fast food joint, did you?

Sorry. Have to call BS on this one. If anything, you were not hired due to being OVER qualified. Not to mention that the very definition of "entry level" is a job that does not require previous experience. I have to wonder why you would apply to fast food restaurants instead of one that would make better use of your education and training.

I agree with this comment. Most companies do not hire those who are overqualified for the job because they believe the person will not stick around for long (before they look elsewhere that pays better for their quality of work) and/or that the applicant will request for a higher wage/salary than they want to provide (thus, a waste of time when they can be interviewing others).