
By Anonymous - 17/03/2023 13:00 - United Kingdom - Poole

Today, at the one job interview I got after months of applying, I was rejected for what turned out to be a phone customer service role, because I "wasn't technical enough." Previously I worked as a website developer and I have a computer science degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 877
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Usually with customer service, it’s too technical and not enough customer service skills.

tiptoppc 19

Actually (and I’m in same boat), they want people barely skilled because sooner or later, the employee realizes their worth and asks for a raise. I’m in the upper echelon of tech jobs. No one hires over qualified, as they know their value, and they want someone they can intimidate that can’t get work easily and will not demand decent working conditions. Just look at how many on geek squad have certification (like A+, etc..). None. Because they won’t pay people who know their crap. Most of those idiots are barely more knowledgeable than Joe blow that drops off a busted laptop with cheeto dust on keyboard and strange crusty substances all over trackpad.


Website developers aren't real programmers. And a computer science degree doesn't guarantee that you know much about hardware. Knowing how to write a recursive algorithm in Python doesn't mean you can help someone find and on/off switch during a phone call.

Stinks they don't grasp your skills. At least you won't be calling about extended auto warranties. To them that's easier to say than you don't fit their corporate culture.

Usually with customer service, it’s too technical and not enough customer service skills.

tiptoppc 19

Actually (and I’m in same boat), they want people barely skilled because sooner or later, the employee realizes their worth and asks for a raise. I’m in the upper echelon of tech jobs. No one hires over qualified, as they know their value, and they want someone they can intimidate that can’t get work easily and will not demand decent working conditions. Just look at how many on geek squad have certification (like A+, etc..). None. Because they won’t pay people who know their crap. Most of those idiots are barely more knowledgeable than Joe blow that drops off a busted laptop with cheeto dust on keyboard and strange crusty substances all over trackpad.

I think they saw your degree and figured you'd only be there for a couple of weeks and there's no point to hiring someone is actively trying to leave.