By samantha246 - 11/05/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, I was pulling out of my driveway and was watching out for the flowers I'd just planted. I moved my head to look out of my window to avoid them, not realizing my window was up. I then hit my head, broke my nose and drove all over the flowers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 665
You deserved it 43 262

Same thing different taste

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Today, I was well-rooted in the soil. I was soaking up some rays and generally enjoying being a flower, when some jackass backed over me with their car. FML.

on the bright side, if your windows were/are clean enough to be mistaken for being down, your doing a kickass job at cleaning :D


bbyxyo 0
areforever 0

Looks like you're the one *puts on sunglasses* who got planted. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

manyourlifesucks 0

Well that was a stupid first comment

^ Would you have preferred it if he had said something along the lines of "First"?

im so tired of these stupid FMLs. So what? you hurt yourself, thats not unusual.

Today, I was well-rooted in the soil. I was soaking up some rays and generally enjoying being a flower, when some jackass backed over me with their car. FML.

This is one of the only good "other perspective" replies I have read lol

mcsnelly 5

How can you not tell if your window is up? YDI

hah and you ran over the flowers.. smooth

I did this once trying to back into my driveway... it really hurt, and you'd be surprised how easy of a mistake it is, especially if your not moving fast and your somebody who usually drives with the windows down

martialart1st18 19

Are you stupid or just dumb?

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see the word proceeded in this FML....

So after going through the comments I discovered that anyone who read this post after 2009 when it was posted, apparently the word "proceeded" was removed because everyone posting in 2010 and later have all mentioned at the horrible grammar in the last sentence. If the word proceeded was part of the last sentence at one point in time, the last sentence would be correct (at least tense wise). So my question is, what happened to the word proceeded?

oh_dee 0

Uhm, I doubt that you hit your head into the window SO hard that you broke your nose and not the window as well. Smells fake to me...

lovelylaura1459 0

How do you break your nose by bumping you head on the window? You must look out windows with quite some force :/

Aint that what the side rear view mirrors for? Do you like hurt yourself you check your blindspots on the motorway? Dude, now seriously...