She's lost control again

By Anonymous - 12/10/2020 20:01

Today, I had an unexpected sneezing fit and drove my car through 2 trees and a fence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 109
You deserved it 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're lucky the trees were small enough to drive through. One mature tree and you would never have to worry about sneezing again.

.... I don't get how people are on your side with this. you literally went on a rampage and are justifying it with sneezes. you could have slammed on your breaks before or after you hit the first tree at the very least.


Gesundheit! To be honest, this has always been one of my biggest fears while driving.

Same. I try as hard as I can to either hold my sneeze or keep my eyes open. That split second of a sneeze could be all it takes to get in an accident.

You're lucky the trees were small enough to drive through. One mature tree and you would never have to worry about sneezing again.

.... I don't get how people are on your side with this. you literally went on a rampage and are justifying it with sneezes. you could have slammed on your breaks before or after you hit the first tree at the very least.

BatCatTaco 13

Did you get the Cheezit out at least?