By commando - 27/09/2009 22:03 - United States

Today, I was preparing to perform with my marching band at a competition. Right before we went on, a tuba player friend of mine offered to help me stretch. He wound up snapping my bra. I'm a drum major, and had to conduct the entire show while my boobs were falling out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 015
You deserved it 5 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your uniform is like most marching band uniforms, they should be well-covered anyways =p

marimbist 0


XxCrazycubanxX 0

My drummajor whom is a female has a color gaurd outfit and It is a thin layer of clothing so I feel your pain

That sucks my drum major instead of wearing a normal band uniform our drum majors if girls have to wear dresses

mehr_hehr_hehr 7

I have a feeling that the tuba player meant to do that. Oh low brass, why do they have to be so torturous? I am sorry OP.

Why were you stretching? You're marching and moving your hands a little bit....

As a fellow drum major... that seriously sucks big time :/

Well, lets think about this. if she needs to stretch before walking maybe a whole mile at most, then she might not be her dream weight or under. therefore, her chest may be a bit tight on her uniform. i think this is why it is a fml

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Parades can be 4 miles, and they're intense. You don't just walk, you MARCH, hence MARCHING band. And marching isn't just left, right, left, right. I'm not even going to bother explaining but please don't be so ignorant, it really is a lot of work. :/

I bet the pit boys were happy. Btw the pit is directly underneath the drum major

why were you stretching for marching band..?

Why were u stretching before band? Do people often pull muscles playing music?

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Marching band. MARCHING. If you didn't catch that.