By shutupandsmile18 - 18/04/2009 02:32 - United States

Today, I was petting my cat when my new mood ring turned bright purple. I checked the piece of paper that came with the ring and saw that purple meant I was feeling "hot, sexy, and passionate." According to my ring, I'm hot for my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 049
You deserved it 16 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mood rings work by body temperature all that means the friction from rubbing your cat made the ring hotter.....tard.


damnn_it 0

yeah your life is SOOO ******.

akngoah3843 0
_mcs_ 0

THIS IS NOT AN FML. Why do these lame ones keep making it on to the site?

ernaynay 0

you're a tool, it got purple because it got warmer. it got warmer because you were getting heat from your cat onto your ring.

Zpecial26 0

#14 is win YDI who buys a mood ring and actually believes it? u fail

like_yea 0

glad you admitted it, but if you seriously bought a mood ring, YDI

If you trust a mood ring more than your own ******* brain then get you're a ******* retard