By Anonymous - 07/02/2011 21:14 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on the phone to a guy I really like from work. We'd been talking for about 2 minutes, when he said he was getting another call, and put me on hold. I was so excited to be on the phone with him, it took me a whole 15 minutes to realise he had actually just hung up on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 277
You deserved it 7 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you hear the disconnect tone after he hung up? Maybe he just had a really long call?

Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh stop telephonin' me.


caelrion 1

Yes, that does suck. OP, it looks like you have two options. Either A) Stop sucking, or B) Start sucking

maybe you were on hold. he just forgot. then hung up. I do it all the time!

Yes it is me... I think. I took a long-term vacation from FML.

Vacations are awesome, go take another one.

brandikinz 4


lol I'm just takin him up on his offer ;]

taking people's offers up on the world wide web is considered being a rapist. haha just sayin'

someones gonna rape your little virgin asshole someday if you keep making offers like that

Wouldn't you hear the disconnect tone after he hung up? Maybe he just had a really long call?

IHeartJimi02 0

That's what I was thinking. Usually after someone hangs up if it has been a while you would hear the dial tone or something.

it was probably a cell phone- no dial tone

kcnutt10 1

But with a cell phone, if one hangs up, the other cell automatically disconnects, right?

bentleyGCspeed 0

Your dad was late pulling out

Mervin22 6

Call him back and tell him off!

You deserved it. Hitting on coworkers almost never ends well.

bmiller2047 0

thats sad, and how rude of him...