By ambulancedriver - 12/09/2009 18:35 - Poland

Today, I was on the job as an ambulance driver, I got a call about a man who claimed he'd had a heart attack. When I got to the house, it turned out the man was fine. I did however manage to hit a dog on the way there in fear of the man dying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 401
You deserved it 5 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLable 0

Wow. What kind of awful person would fake that? FYL, but you probably couldve tried to avoid the dog. F[the dog's owber's]L.

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

I say FYL. And everyone saying YDI really needs to relax. I understand everyone loves animals. I do too. I would probably cry if I hit one. But where I come from, the first lesson they teach you in driving school is unless you can avoid hitting an animal without putting yourself or anyone else in danger, you have to run it over.


OhhxGoshhxAri 0

I say FYL. And everyone saying YDI really needs to relax. I understand everyone loves animals. I do too. I would probably cry if I hit one. But where I come from, the first lesson they teach you in driving school is unless you can avoid hitting an animal without putting yourself or anyone else in danger, you have to run it over.

Did you run over a squirrel in front of some girl scouts and a groundhog on the way there?

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

I actually was thinking of that too. Way too many "I ran this over and feel bad." FML's lately. I try not to yell "fake" because these things CAN happen, but still..

What the hell? Gotta be more to it than this. What kind of douche would fake a heart attack... And i'm really not sure, but isn't it illegal to fake an emergency/911 call? Pretty sure he's going to catch some hell for it..

blinkingstarlet 15

OP never said he faked it, just that the patient was fine. happens all the time. you show up and they'll burp and say oh i feel better. and the crew is like wow i got out of bed at 3am because you needed to burp. stellar.

I hope you went back to help the poor doggie :-(

Paramedicjelly 0

Ok, first of all that is SO not a FML. Second of all, yes a chest pain call is a priority HOWEVER, LEGALLY you are supposed to follow all the posted speed limits no matter what so why were you driving "in fear of the man dieing?" You didn't cause him to have a heart attack, you get there when you get there and you do what you can...safely. You are no good to the pt if you get hurt getting there. Third, I have hit a shit load of animals going to calls. It happens. They run out in front of you and you hit them. It happens in personal vehicles as well as ambulances no matter how careful you are so get over it. If you get fired for hitting the dog (although I have no idea why you would) THEN this is an FML. As for the guy, if he was faking it get the cops involved for abusing the 911 system, if he called because he thought his indigestion was chest pains then he is a pain in the ass that thought he was having an emergency but wasn't. Oh well.

fMYYYlife 0

I'm very glad you are not the ambulance cause we'd all be dead. Please delete your comment before more people read it and make fun of you.. thanks..

Most people who call EMS over a potential heart attack are not faking pains in their chest. It might not be an actual heart attack. But if you're not a doctor, and your chest hurts, what are you going to do? If the answer is wait it out and hope you don't die, you sir are wrong.

adelaide_evening 0

Thank you, finally someone who sees sense. I think everyone has this misconstrued notion that the ambulance should drive about fifty miles over the speed limit to get to a call and pull all of these extreme stunts.

You're not "legally" supposed to follow the speed limits. You don't "legally" have to follow any common traffic laws. Ambulances have to drive with DUE REGARD. Don't know where the hell YOU learned to drive an ambulance, but that's the law for ambulances. Due regard implies that so long as I am ensuring that it is safe to proceed, then I can. I have the right to exceed speed limits, and to go through red lights. Not blow through red lights, because that wouldn't be driving with due regard. And not speed to fast that I am endangering others. Read up on it before you go and post something stupid like this comment. And I highly doubt you are a paramedic. If you were, you'd at least have SOME clue about ambulance traffic laws. Anyone who has taken driving courses for emergency vehicles is familiar with due regard.

thank you for getting the right information out about proper ambulance traffic/safety laws. also, i'm pretty confused as to where it said the guy was faking. it could have been that the guy was having chest pain that was non-cardiac related.

If the poor thing wasn't smart enough to stay out of traffic, it probably didn't have a bright future, anyway.

inmyjimjams 0

#23, I don't believe you know what you are talking about.

adelaide_evening 0

Yes, he really does. If anyone cares to see how an ambulance is ACTUALLY supposed to operate (at least in the US, I know the OP is from Poland, but I don't think the laws are that different), here is a website that has the guidelines the driver is supposed to follow. And I quote "Safe arrival at the emergency scene shall be, and must always remain, the first priority of all emergency vehicle drivers." AND "When responding to a “true emergency” drivers shall not exceed the posted speed limit."

Technically that would work if everyone drove at the posted speed limit; however the majority of people on the roads drive over the limit, so if an ambulance driver followed the speed signs, they would be driving recklessly anyways for not going with the flow of traffic. (it is actually dangerous to go slower than the flow of traffic)

inmyjimjams 0

Have you ever actually seen an ambulance following the correct speed limits whilst going to an emergency ? Most times, they run red lights and speed, and I can honestly say I have never seen an ambulance pulled over for speeding. Obviously whichever website you got your information from is wrong seeing as how the driving behaviors displayed by ambulance drivers does not fit your quoted statement. If you were having a heart attack, I'm sure you would rather have the ambulance speeding towards the place where you had the attack, that way you could receive proper care quicker. If ambulance drivers decided to dilly-dally and go 25 mph when they should really be going atleast 50 or so to get to you in time, I think death rates would be much higher.

Umm, that's for the Rush Fire District. Not a law. Those are that particular districts guidelines.

fMYYYlife 0

Juuust so ya know.. Ambulances can run red lights run stop signs drive on the other side of the road ANYTHING to get to the emergency.. that is defnite wreckless driving.. the dog was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.. stop hating.