By Noname - 10/02/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I was on the internet with my Dad looking up information about allergies. I began to type 'allergies' into the Google Search Box and as I typed 'a', the phrase 'amazing sex positions' popped up as a search I had already looked up. My Dad asked me if any of the positions worked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 861
You deserved it 48 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just need to type faster. it shouldn't have popped up if you typed the normal speed a human being does. < 30 wpm = fail.

Your dad has a pretty good (albeit twisted) sense of humor xD


Hey, at least he was cool about it. My dad would have flipped and interrogated me about it then guilted me about it later.

How is this an FML? Thats nothing, sounds like your dad is cool. Maybe if you're a girl I could see it being kind of uncomfortable, but if you're a guy... then who cares.

kat0ria 0

LOL at least your dad didn't get mad! Sounds pretty cool.

master_fml 0

lol learn how to delete your history, its usually in tools, my parents used to make comments like that...rly uncomfortable but who gives a shit its not like they didn't have sex to make u

lol thats rich..... are you really that low to look that up

sk8rboiluvr 0

Did it really take you that long to type the next letter? It would only pop up momentarily if you typed like a human. **** your life.

xoconnie 8

welll, sometimes it shows like possible searches that are popular with those letters idk. cuz when i start typing, some suggestions pop up.. but hahahaha that sucks, at least he didnt flip out on you(: