By Helena - 25/09/2018 03:00

Today, I was on my Wheel of Time fanfiction roleplay chatting seductively with my virtual lover while taking a break from doing some work, only to realize that I had accidentally sent the revenue report to my fellow fanfiction lover and used magic to undress my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 490
You deserved it 4 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you use company resources for personal stuff, you WILL eventually reveal it.

You might want to channel your efforts into apologizing to your boss.


You might want to channel your efforts into apologizing to your boss.

Zekfen 17

Only a Wheel of Time fan would get that pun. I need to go back and reread them all anyways :)

If you use company resources for personal stuff, you WILL eventually reveal it.

Wow, top comment! Seriously, it's like Murphy's Law. The safest way to avoid that happening is keep your personal stuff on your personal stuff. Just assume someone WILL see it on your work devices and you'll be a lot better off.

this is EXACTLY why you don't mix work with pleasure😂😂😂

Zekfen 17

First off, any true fan would know it isn’t magic, but channeling. Secondly, if it doesn’t involve Min, then the fan fict sucks 😜

True that. She's probably the one female character who isn't utterly insufferable.

YDI.. completely.. for your weird fetish and for mixing it with work.

Your boss probably liked that better than some boring financial report.

"Give that employee a promotion! And a robe and wizard hat!"