By vegantreegirl - 25/09/2018 00:46
vegantreegirl tells us more.
So, wow. I was not expecting this to get published. I forgot I had posted this to FML. haha The thing is the septic system is completely broken. It's old and needs to be replaced badly, so it effects everything from the toilet to the sinks and shower. But my landlord/slum lord won't shell out the cash which would be fine if the septic system was pumped monthly but it's often not. I guess I could have just used the shower, but I live in the middle of nowhere, so I thought eh whatever. Since I know people will say "Report your landlord!" "Just move" I won't get into the whole situation but there's a huge housing crises in my area. People rent out space sleeping on their couch for $800/month, one room with shared bathroom and kitchen privileges for $1200/month. Due to living in poverty I qualify for government housing, but the waiting list is extreme. Some people have been on it for 13 years. Yup, years. I'm lucky to have a house. I can't move out of the area until my husband can find a job to sponsor him somewhere else (he has a work visa) or gets a green card whichever comes first. The workers did end up coming the next day, so I have a semi working plumbing system again.
Top comments
Did you apologize to the bush afterwards?
This. Unless your shower was busted as well, I don't see why a bush became the alternative option.
I wonder if the bush knows you’re eventually going to need to shit.
So, wow. I was not expecting this to get published. I forgot I had posted this to FML. haha The thing is the septic system is completely broken. It's old and needs to be replaced badly, so it effects everything from the toilet to the sinks and shower. But my landlord/slum lord won't shell out the cash which would be fine if the septic system was pumped monthly but it's often not. I guess I could have just used the shower, but I live in the middle of nowhere, so I thought eh whatever. Since I know people will say "Report your landlord!" "Just move" I won't get into the whole situation but there's a huge housing crises in my area. People rent out space sleeping on their couch for $800/month, one room with shared bathroom and kitchen privileges for $1200/month. Due to living in poverty I qualify for government housing, but the waiting list is extreme. Some people have been on it for 13 years. Yup, years. I'm lucky to have a house. I can't move out of the area until my husband can find a job to sponsor him somewhere else (he has a work visa) or gets a green card whichever comes first. The workers did end up coming the next day, so I have a semi working plumbing system again.
my mom had basically the same problem tell the slumlord she is legally bound by law to fix the septic and if she does you have charged by the city for failing to uphold her responsibilties. i guaruntee she will fix it
i meant to say Doesn't
Damn that sucks! I hope your husband can get things lined up so you can move somewhere with more options. Good luck!
Thank you!
@Cody Thanks, I wish that was the case. I've had other problems that have gone unfixed. For example, we don't have central heating the gas company chewed my landlord out but it was never fixed. We share a mailbox and for like a year my landlord wouldn't give me a key and would just dump my mail in front of my door. I complained several times to the mail person who reminded him of his legal obligation not to withold mail. I even called the post office manager (I forge the name of the title) who is supposed to handle those kinds of claims and was told "tough luck, not our problem." The housing crises is so bad here no one cares.
The problem described sounds like you just need to check the chain and stopper in the tank to make sure it is fitting on right.
Nope, we've had several professionals look at it. The toilet itself is pretty much new. It's the septic system.
Heck, if you’re a teenager, you’ve got more responsibility and ambition than a lot of adults.
@vegantreegirl ; You might consider a septic tank treatment product. Most of them are enzymes that you flush down the toilet once a month. They work biologically to break down the contents of the septic taank and clear out lines of blockages. When I was growing up my parent's septic tank had the same problem you describe. A septic system guy told them they had to replace the entire system. Instead, they used one of these products and the problem was gone and never came back. A good comparison of products is at Good luck!!
Thank you. I appreciate it. I use septic safe tp and septic cleaning products twice a month. It helps, but hasn't gotten rid of the problem. I'll look into other products though. Maybe something different will work better? I'm willing to try anything at this point.
I read this post and the OP's response, and wondered... a tent outside in the woods, living offgrid and composting your own waste sounds like a perfect solution to your issues, and your focus on a house instead of something like a trailer park also makes me wonder. Hope you don't pay to have internet on your phone. Waste of money

Why not just pee in the shower?
toilet plunger... $5 or less at Wal-Mart. get your own toilet going in less time than it takes to get from Wal-Mart's plumbing department to the checkout.