By whatproject - 24/09/2009 09:50 - United States

Today, I was offered to attend a Buddhist ceremony by one of my regular customers. Not wanting to offend the couple, I made an excuse about have a project for oceanography. Surprise, the husband is an oceanographer and wants to help me with my imaginary project. Karma much? FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 438
You deserved it 51 072

Same thing different taste

Alexa, play "Policy of Truth" by Depeche Mode

By is there a environmental scientist in the house? - 05/03/2013 08:48 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, wanting to impress my date, I bullshitted her about how I was an environmental scientist. She got so impressed that she invited me over to her place. Not her home, her office. So that I could give her pointers on her current project. She's a real environmental scientist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 586
You deserved it 76 668

Top comments

You should've just gone to the ceremony. Could've been a good experience. OR if you really didn't want to go, they would probably understand if you just told them. Buddhists are generally understanding people.

Next time, try creating a slightly less outlandish lie. Like, you have to attend the G8 Summit that day, or "I'm sorry, that's my Nude Day". Nude Day always works ;)


karma doesn't mean what you think it does. it actually means the creation of everything. the concept of doing something, whether it be for good or evil, and coming back to you, is actually Wicca.

Yes, #81, you're right, karma is a Sanatana Dharma (more commonly known in the west as Hindu) concept, not Buddhist. #80, karma doesn't mean what you think it does, either, and I don't think Wicca does either, although you could be right; I'm certainly not an expert. From what I gather, karma is the level of life that you are reincarnated on, based on your actions as a human being. Immoral behaviour will put you on a lower level, such as an animal or plant, and considerate actions will put you on a higher level that is closer to reaching moksha, or unity with Brahman, the universal spirit. Regardless of what karma means, I think OP was using it lightly in the manner that it is commonly used today, and should not be penalized for it. However, OP deserved it for lying instead of giving a polite "No, thank you."

oNisao 21

I used to be Buddhist. I lived in Sri Lanka (mostly Buddhist), also went to Sunday school where they teach you about Buddhism.. And I was taught about Im pretty sure learning of karma is in buddhism...

u shud have said no thanks, not lied. That man is nice enough to spend his time helping u on that project. u shud just go.

And karma is a Hindu philosophy not Buddhist.

nicholasj96 9

Could've easily got out of that one by saying you wanted to challenge yourself and do it on your own, but asked for his number to call if you really needed help .

Next time say "I apreciate the offer but I have plans with my family" or friend or something

Try branching out and experiencing other cultures.

say is against my religion to attend other religions