By Alex - 30/09/2009 06:46 - Belgium

Today, I was notified that I've been going to the wrong courses for 4 weeks. A friend of mine was the only person to tell me that the administration had taken the privilege to change my courses. I have now failed 5 courses due to absences and have been suspended from college for 6 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 656
You deserved it 5 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can they just do that?? Can't you complain / explain the situation?

Go talk to your course coordinator and explain the situation, it's not the end of the world. On the bright side, you can take some time to travel.


Crunchy08 0

how do u not know that? I get an email anytime something as small as the location of a class on my schedule gets changed? and u didn't notice that 5 of them were completley different? I feel bad for u, but this is a majour fail.

As a Graduate Assistant I know what the admin point of view on situations like this. From where they stand [and this is true 94+% of schools], it is the students responsibility to maintain a current schedule of the classes enrolled in at all times. In other words - - You are the mouse in our maze, if we change the path, you need to follow those changes otherwise you will not go anywhere, and it is not our fault. Sad but true, they got your money to play in their game by their rules

Confront them about it. If they refuse to do anything about it, sue them or something.

Lumberzack, I don't really care about the original comment-- a simple mistake, big deal. However, if you're on an iPhone, you do have access to that info. You just have to go to the full FML site in Safari, rather than using the FML app or their mobile site. Just FYI. Don't know about other phones, though.

itsallbs 0

So you went 4 weeks and didn't realize you were in the wrong course? I call BS on you. Even if this is true it's your fault for not finding the mistake in the first place. I'm glad you are suspended and hope you fail college for being an idiot.

easy there little guy getting a little too angry over a stranger's misfortunes aren't we? not saying the guy didn't deserve but geez, chill bud.

Dat moet pijn doen.. (that must hurt, fwiw, the guy speaks dutch)

This could not have happened without information being provided to the student, most likely in the form of email. I work at a University and am fed up with students blaming the staff for their own lack of interest in their accounts, registration, and programs. Grow up and take responsibility!

Well if it took you 4 weeks to figure out that you have been taking the wrong classes it's probably for the better that you take some time off college.

martic835 2

Some teachers don't take roll. That's why it's very important to check your schedule and classroom numbers over and over again just to be certain during the first week. Don't worry OP you're not the only one to make this kind of mistake.

Violacatt 0

Sue the school. They apparently make mistakes far too often. Any normal judge will say you are right and they are wrong-you might get monetary compensation.