By stellarshaun - 16/01/2009 22:10 - United States

Today, I was naked in bed. I was eating vanilla yogurt and it spilt. My dad walked in and then apologized that he had walked in on me while I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 264
You deserved it 10 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could've been worse, you could have been wiped it off with your finger and put it in your mouth as he walked in.

In the future, do not have your schwarz out while eating yogurt.


It could've been worse, you could have been wiped it off with your finger and put it in your mouth as he walked in.

WTF wat were u doin naked if ur parents are around the house? and don't u have any covers?

wintamint101 7

ya but that would've been worse...lying in bed naked sticking a finger in your sorry but it doedn't seem any better

he was caught wanking and this is just a lame cover up lol

MrNewOrleans 0

hey I've eating plenty things naked... it's fun it feels the best when u go to a restaurant and everyone stares at you :)

thethingthatshou 4

you lost you fuckhead..... ****** mother ******

I walk around my room naked all the time

In the future, do not have your schwarz out while eating yogurt.

Yeah, EVERYONE eats yogurt naked. *Sarcasm* LMAO, dumb ass.

heheirock 0

why did not you have a blanket over your self?

Bcuz then it wud b pointless to b naked!!!

this is just silly. i don't think it's real. why in the world would you be eating yogurt naked?

dude. why WOULDN'T you eat yogurt naked! better yet, why would you eat yogurt with clothes on? insanity!

monkeys488 0
giffinator 0

your dad actually said "I'm sorry for walking on you masturbating"?

MizzHollywood 0

Eating yogurt in bed is the real FML here. Who does that!??!?!

I like to feel a nice breeze around my privates while enjoying tasty snack food

alexxss_fml 10

lmfaoooo!!!! good one!!! XD