By stellarshaun - 16/01/2009 22:10 - United States

Today, I was naked in bed. I was eating vanilla yogurt and it spilt. My dad walked in and then apologized that he had walked in on me while I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 260
You deserved it 10 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could've been worse, you could have been wiped it off with your finger and put it in your mouth as he walked in.

In the future, do not have your schwarz out while eating yogurt.


Some very nice artistic abilities indeed!

kewpiesuicide 29
Vladash 14

Why would u be naked anyway..?

These kinds of stories and jokes are relatively common (with a white liquid being mistaken for semen) but here's the thing: milk, yogurt, melted ice cream, etc., all look COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from semen. They're only the same-ish color.