By fmlpanda - 29/05/2010 04:14 - United States

Today, I was making out with my boyfriend. It was going well until our braces got caught. Out of pain, I tried to pull away, which made my eyes water. Then I sneezed in his mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 851
You deserved it 8 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"YDI for having bad teeth / not looking after your teeth" Really? The vast majority of people who have braces have them to correct something they could not possibly have any control over, like misaligned teeth or an over/underbite. Not looking after your teeth gives you cavities, not braces.

easlehc 0

ohh, devo!! I always mocked my friend saying that it was going to happen to her but I never did. poor you sorry xxx


wow perhaps be a little more attentive to what you're doing and a bit more DETACHED from the making out?

I'm an orthodontist. this is impossible. you made it up. liar.

that happened to me and my bff went ah well u shuldnt hav been pda-ing

I didn't know that could happen!! I have braces… so does my boyfriend… I'm afraid…

That's why I waited until my boyfriend got his braces off :D

Where does it say they broke up? I figured the fml had more to do with the fact that she got her braces caught which caused her pain.

cadillacgal79 32

21-wow, how ignorant are you? I had braces, but that's because my teeth were ****** up (crossbite and the gap) you don't get braces because you only brush every other day, I brush and floss and mouthwash every day.

Ugh. that seriously sucks. When I had braces, the stupid gym teachers made the classes run in opposite directions on the path at the same time. I rounded a corner and smashed into the fastest girl in the grade. I had to pull strands of my inner lip off my braces. I was spitting blood for the next 20 minutes...