By PWI_addict - 03/01/2010 17:11 - United States

Today, I was making myself lunch. I love cooking, and often, I pretend I'm on the Food Network. I started to slice some tomatoes rapidly, which, turns out, was a big mistake; I sliced my thumb open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 235
You deserved it 35 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, be more careful? Sorry though.

ThankYhuCaptinOb 0

sorry it must of hurt but really I'm sorry I chose YDI becuase you have a great imagination but cooking .... you nee to be more careful lol


OP is a retard! If you don't have the skills don't try using a knife.

YDI for wanting to be like Emeril or whatever his name is.

roz780 0

Aww I'm sorry!! I was a prep cook at French camp last summer and learned a few things about knife safety that I feel like everyone should know. They taught us to grip the knife partly by the blade, and guide it using a few knuckles with the rest of your fingers tucked underneath, making sure not to let your thumb wander over. That way if you cut yourself you'll hopefully only skim a knuckle.

fitzyfitz 0

oh no! you cut your finger! your life is definately ****** now.

PWI_Addict? As in Perfect World International? I effing LOVE that game!!!!!!! Don't get any blood on your keyboard.................

boatkicker 4

No, the people who cut their own fingers and then SUE the TV show/company are the reason for the 'do not try this at home' warnings. Most of those people are probably doing it intentionally as a quick and easy way to make a buck. I once even met someone who bragged about all the stupid law suits she won (4 of them.) It's obnoxious, but more often than not its caused by lazy people, not people who are clumsy.

cel123456789 0

how u telling us this?! I hate when ppl just make up fml's

gigi2009 0