Lovely family vibes

By Anonymous - 14/07/2022 18:00

Today, we have three kids. Two were "natural" and our third was through expensive IVF. Of all three kids, only our IVF son turned out to be a real asshole. Now he’s going to jail for armed robbery and pushing a pregnant woman to the floor. Wish we’d saved that IVF money and paid off the mortgage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 325
You deserved it 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let him use a public defender for his legal issues. Do not attempt to bail him out, do not pay for a lawyer. Let him experience the full consequences of his crime. That tough love might save his life some day.

With stories like this I have to wonder if the money and effort involved led to the IVF kid getting spoiled. Like it sucks either way but


Let him use a public defender for his legal issues. Do not attempt to bail him out, do not pay for a lawyer. Let him experience the full consequences of his crime. That tough love might save his life some day.

tiptoppc 19

Jail usually makes criminals better. Hope he lives in CA where they at least attempt programs at rehab. Only thing convicts learn in jail is how not to get caught next time. Just saying…

With stories like this I have to wonder if the money and effort involved led to the IVF kid getting spoiled. Like it sucks either way but

vinvin2210 15

if after 2 kids, you had to resort to IVF for a 3rd, then I guess it's just karma.. I just don't know why people can't adopt a kid

tiptoppc 19

Why do religious institutions get to vet who become parents based on ****** up ideologies. Adoption is not feasible as the wrong people are in charge of running. Amazingly, most are run by the same organization that protects pedophiles and child molesters