Turn it off

By Hemann - 02/03/2022 02:00

Today, I keep getting prank calls from unknown numbers. They keep making fun of my dog’s death, calling me a fat and stupid loser who can’t get laid, and making sexual moaning noises. I can’t block “Unknown” numbers. It got so overwhelming that I broke down in tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 516
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

(1) Do not answer phone calls from unknown numbers - Let it go to your voicemail. (2) Block the numbers of junk calls - It’s easy assuming you have a smartphone. Just Google it for your phone. (3) Contact your carrier or phone provider and find out how to block unidentified numbers with no caller ID. You might even be able to block anyone not on your contact list, but I would not go that far. While the situation is upsetting, you do not have to pick up the phone every time it rings. These A-holes are going to some considerable trouble to do what they are doing to you. When you no longer answer or respond to their calls they will eventually lose interest.

Just... go cry. Shut the phone off, go cry, and delete every missed call log and message in the morning.


I don't know what other adjective to use for someone who doesn't know you don't have to answer "Unknown" calls. Just get a new phone, and give your number to your real friends. From the sound of it, that chore won't be too time-consuming.

Just... go cry. Shut the phone off, go cry, and delete every missed call log and message in the morning.

Awwww. Try changing your phone number of answering the call and use logic to refute those hypocritical claims, calling them no life losers who want to continue spending their feeble and pathetic life trying to insult you cause they're insecure about their ****** up and pathetic life. Don't cry OP. Go to the gym, eat healthy, read about making money and philosophy, etc. For you, I recommend reading about stoicism and pragmatism. Both are good at dealing with toxic subhuman scum like those losers harassing you for joy.

(1) Do not answer phone calls from unknown numbers - Let it go to your voicemail. (2) Block the numbers of junk calls - It’s easy assuming you have a smartphone. Just Google it for your phone. (3) Contact your carrier or phone provider and find out how to block unidentified numbers with no caller ID. You might even be able to block anyone not on your contact list, but I would not go that far. While the situation is upsetting, you do not have to pick up the phone every time it rings. These A-holes are going to some considerable trouble to do what they are doing to you. When you no longer answer or respond to their calls they will eventually lose interest.

mccuish 25

This is why I only answer phones calls of numbers I actually know or if it’s numbers that are important

answer but immediately hang up don't even put the phone to your ear. that way they can't say anything to you and it won't be in your voicemail either

Download trap call. It’ll help tremendously for your situation.

wrenavery90 12

Why in the world are you answering calls from unknown numbers???? Don't!!

wrenavery90 12

For God's sake. Why do you keep answering?