By Anonymous - 15/10/2014 17:07 - United States - Tuscaloosa

Today, I was leading a tour of my university and saw a girl in ripped jeans and combat boots smoking a cigarette. I told her that she shouldn't be representing the school in such a manner. She shot back: "I'm a Presidential Scholar. Suck my dick, bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 792
You deserved it 58 729

Same thing different taste


You sound like a douche. You totally deserve it not only for making a judgement about her but also for feeling like you have a right to tell her how to dress and behave. Good luck in the real world.

You sound pretty judgmental. Clothes don't define a person. Smoking I'm not a fan of, but as long as she was doing it in a designated area, who cares?

On the other hand, people like to display who they are by what they wear, so...

You know.. Bill gates and other famous wealthy entrepreneurs were slackers and didn't do that great in school and they probably didn't dress very well either but they made a success in this world. I think if you're going to judge someone by their looks and characteristics/manner then you should probably make sure you're perfect first. This girl just defended herself in an epic way.

By the time anyone gets to college, they have more than earned the right to wear wtf they like. You say you said this in front of a tour group? I bet your ass you wouldn't have said it alone.

Someone wearing ripped jeans and smoking a cigarette must mean that the university is a party school? Have a word with yourself.

Not only is she a presidential scholar, she's a boss too.

ClayDude365 17

Sounds like Jesse from Breaking Bad lmao