By Anonymous - 15/10/2014 17:07 - United States - Tuscaloosa

Today, I was leading a tour of my university and saw a girl in ripped jeans and combat boots smoking a cigarette. I told her that she shouldn't be representing the school in such a manner. She shot back: "I'm a Presidential Scholar. Suck my dick, bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 792
You deserved it 58 729

Same thing different taste


When I got my degree (Nuclear Physics at a fairly high end university), I spent most of the time in battered army boots, combats and t-shirts and a constant supply of energy drinks/pocky. During that time I had a few people comment like the OP, usually students on "soft subject" courses there for drinking and socialising. OP is an arsehole and shouldn't judge people by their appearances.

You don't have much experience with geniuses? Very intelligent people tend to don't give a crap about things like rules or the etiquette. From my experience most of the people who follow every signle rule, do every homework, care about how other perceive them tend to be very mediocre when it comes to intelligence and genius. Many gifted people are very rebellious. You see, rules were made for the sheeps. Highly intelligent people tend to be leaders not followers. Look at Grigori Perelman. You'd probably call him a hobo and ask security to escort him out of the university but he has achieved more than most mathematician can every hope to achieve. Many of the greatest artists and writers were drug addicts and alcoholics.

This is true. Many geniuses, especially understimulated teenage ones, tend to see the logical flaws or hypocrisy in a lot of rules or cultural norms. Therefore they can rationalise not following these norms. Anyone watch House MD ? :P

Raivyn_Grimm 9

Haha you deserve that, don't judge a book by its cover.

Who cares what someone else does? None of your business, you didn't need to comment.

YDI. What's wrong with combat boots and ripped jeans? I, along with many others, like that look.

diving_fml 30