
By Anonymous - 09/12/2021 17:01

Today, I found books on the Catholicism in my son's room. Switching faiths can be a big deal, so I asked him if there was anything he wanted to talk about. Turns out he was just doing research to aid his goal of seducing and screwing the hot Catholic girl in his university class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 165
You deserved it 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's looking for the part where it says that anal and oral don't count as sex.

LMAOOO this is what you call dedication! And that effort almost always pays off!!


He's looking for the part where it says that anal and oral don't count as sex.

Or you can simply sin and ask for forgiveness. Or just pretend you didn't, that will do the trick too.

Marcella1016 31

He could also go the Mormon route. I hear soaking is pretty trendy. Convert her, and you’ll get to have *actual sex* while pretending it’s not sex.

Of course, one could just do the crime and do the time. And if hell doesn't exist, you've just been missing out on a lot of fun worrying about nothing.

debbyman13 21

If age is just a number, sister is just a word

LMAOOO this is what you call dedication! And that effort almost always pays off!!

I would wager your sons stumbled into one of the driving forces behind religion.

george1986 7

like snoop said the game is to be sold, not to be told.