By Anonymous - 01/01/2011 04:05 - United States

Today, I had a major falling out with my best friend. Angry, I sent a short text message to him explaining how I felt. I soon noticed I'd accidentally texted "I'm going to fucking kill you, asshole." to my boss instead. I'm still waiting on a reply. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 595
You deserved it 40 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mahimalil 0

☆。★。☆。★ 。☆ 。☆。☆ ★。\|/。★ Happy New Year! ★。/|\。★ 。☆。 。☆。 ☆。 ★。 ☆

>I sent a short text message to him explaining how I felt >"I'm going to f*cking kill you, asshole." Someone can't communicate for shit. Also, someone is dexterity/functionally-impaired for such a slip-up between "best friend" and boss.


planbsponserme 2

If this is how you treat your best friends then I'd hate to be your enemy.

mzshorty 0

you deserve it because even if you sent it to ur best friend or ex bestfriend you should never say anything like that. they can get you arrested for that dumbass

Hayman68 4

OP - YDI for saying "falling out"

You don't get arrested for a vague, single threat.

LadiiFresH 0

laughing my ass off!!! text him and let him know it's a mistake!!! or get ready to be standing in the unemployment line!!

Or do both. Start getting ready to look for another job, OP.

OP better have told him it was a mistake if not OP deserved it. I mean really it's common sense >_>

mahimalil 0

☆。★。☆。★ 。☆ 。☆。☆ ★。\|/。★ Happy New Year! ★。/|\。★ 。☆。 。☆。 ☆。 ★。 ☆

KelseyLovesYouu 2

Awww... that's so damn beautiful! *crys*

kgarci07 0
fakeaccountX 6

hahaha i like how you guys don't care at all about the FML itself

mahimalil 0

May 2011 be better then 2010!!! And may all have a great New Year!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!

LOLOL fyl indeed way to start a new year xD

what she was gonna send the mean text to her friend?

aww_man2010 6

bummer i would text him and explain the situation,

asianpowaaa 0

add that to ur new years resolutions

>I sent a short text message to him explaining how I felt >"I'm going to f*cking kill you, asshole." Someone can't communicate for shit. Also, someone is dexterity/functionally-impaired for such a slip-up between "best friend" and boss.