By Anonymous - 07/04/2009 15:51 - Japan

Today, I was in a store using the only bathroom there. After I was done, I realized I couldn't open the door. Panicked it locked me in, I banged on the door, and screamed for help. The security and a whole group of people gathered, only to find that I was pulling the door instead of pushing it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 443
You deserved it 91 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The door didn't give outwards at all when you were banging on it?

#1 has it right. If you were banging on it, it would have opened. Either way, you're a moron.


mini_munny 0

... so how did you get in to the bathroom if you didn't know how to get out of it?

Way to overreact. That happens to me but I try to figure it out before calling for help. And also...this might be fake, because wouldn't you notice that if you banged on it it would give in?

Or this is just a great example of how designers epically failed? Maybe people aren't stupid just because they have trouble using miserably unusable devices?

turtlellama 0

I love this. Especially since when you walk in, the door generally only swings one way. Outward or inward. So when you leave, the door generally opens the opposite know, just saying. I mean there are doors that are tricky, but panicking over something so stupid just makes you look...well, stupid.

JackFrost 0

HAHAHA "Today, I was being mugged at a store. I called and called for security but nobody came. I later learned that at the time of my mugging, all of security was huddled around the bathroom, instructing a panicked spaz to push the door open instead of pull. FML."

If I were you, I'd never shop there again.