By Anonymous - 25/06/2016 13:51 - New Zealand - Christchurch

Today, my mom and I staged an intervention for my alcoholic dad. Within minutes he'd turned everything around on us, claiming we're in no position to judge him for drinking since we use "too much water" when we shower. Apparently that's on the same level as being an abusive alcoholic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 757
You deserved it 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People addicted to something will usually use any manipulative tool they can think of to turn it around so they're blameless. Just try to remember that he's not in his right mind. Hope you are able to help him OP, even if you have to get professionals involved. Best of luck to you and your family!

Make him go to rehab or cut him out of your lives. Sometimes people aren't worth it, sorry OP. That sucks.


People addicted to something will usually use any manipulative tool they can think of to turn it around so they're blameless. Just try to remember that he's not in his right mind. Hope you are able to help him OP, even if you have to get professionals involved. Best of luck to you and your family!

Yeah, I agree with you, alcoholics (as well as people with other addictions) will say absolutely anything to avoid getting help. Unless they actually want help. I hope OP was able to get her dad the help he needed, that's a tough situation.

Agreed. Given what addiction does to your mental processes, he probably genuinely believed that it was a legitimate argument to make.

Make him go to rehab or cut him out of your lives. Sometimes people aren't worth it, sorry OP. That sucks.

I had a brainfart reading this and thought you were suggesting they literally cut their father ... I will say it might get results though.

Apparently everyone in your family enjoys getting wet behind the ears, unfortunately for you your dad does it with his friends Jack, Johnnie, Jim and Jose, not the shower.

Good luck, OP. It seems alcoholics don't get help until they get in trouble with the law and it's easier for the family to get them committed. Addiction also has a root in emotional instability so they need to sort out issues, but this doesn't excuse it or the pain it causes you and your mother. Be strong and never give in to his manipulation. Try to get him help but eventually you and your mother may have to consider leaving. My mother was an alcoholic for years and years, probably longer than my childhood perception realized and she still relapses fifteen years later. Forgiveness is healthier but it doesn't solve anything if It is still going on. Love & peace to you.

I really hate it when people being clean and showering gets in the way of my drinking too

$50 water bill? That $50 could have gone towards more alcohol! How dare you.

A lot of the time with people who have addictions, whether it be drugs, alcohol, etc, THEY have to be the ones who really want to stop and get help. But having support to get through it is important as well, so you guys are doing the best you can do.

I am sorry for you, best of luck to your family :)

You cant help anyone who doesnt want to help themselves. Addiction is a helluva thing.

Tell him at least Water don't make you become Abusive. I dislike people like him.

My gf told me to get sober or get out. It was a harsh conversation but it needed to happen. Three and a half years later I'm sober and we are still together. My point is, don't give up on him. I wish you and your mom the best of luck.